Category Archives: ENGLISH

[English] Set Paper For All Competitive Exams

Practice set English Language   Directions (Q. Nos. 1 and 2) Choose the correct spelt word. (1) Guarantee         (2) Guaruntee (3) Garantee           (4) Guareentee (1) Dismised            (2) Dismissed (3) Dissmised          (4) Desmised Directions (Q. Nos. 3 and 4) Choose the correct meaning of the following idioms from the given choice. A chicken hearted fellow (1) […]

What is Noun and it Kinds

NOUN & IT KINDS Definition: The name of a person, place or thing is said to be the noun. Examples : Rajesh, Book, School, Table, India etc. Kinds of Nouns : There are five kinds of a noun- 1. Common Noun 2. Proper Noun 3. Material Noun 4. Collective Noun 5. Abstract Noun 1. Common […]

[English Grammar] Active & Passive Voice

ENGLISH GRAMMAR ACTIVE & PASSIVE VOICE For better knowledge of Active and Passive voice, First of all we should understand the functions of tenses and their uses.  Functions (1) Present Indefinite: Recognition of Active Voice : do/does/v1/v1+ s or es                                […]


IMPROVE ENGLISH WITH Executive Makers   1. Sanatorium – A place for the sick to recover health. 2. Sty – A place for pigs. 3. Orchard – A place where fruit trees are grown. 4. Mortuary – Where dead bodies are kept for post-mortem. 5. Morgue – Where dead bodies are kept for identification […]


10 IMPORTANT WORDS  Starting with D FREE STUDY MATERIAL (1) Dauntless – A person who cannot be frightened easily. He or She is always ready to face the challenges without hesitation. Synonyms  : Indomitable, Brave, Intrepid, Mettlesome, Gritty, Steely, Undaunted, Spirited, Plucky, Doughty, Resolute and Determined. Antonyms : Daunted, Frightened, Terrified, Discouraged, Afraid, Intimidated, […]


  MATHEMATICS BILINGUAL QUIZZES FULL SOLVED   10 FAMOUS IDIOMS What  are  idioms? Definition :  An idiom is a phrase, saying or group of words that is very different in meaning from its literal meaning. The use of idioms is considered much effective at the time of writing or speaking English or any other language. Example […]

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