Category Archives: FACTS

[Geography] [Jovian or Outer Planets] The Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune

[Geography] [Satellite, Jovian or Outer Planets] The Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune The Moon The Moon is the only satellite of the earth. It has a diameter of 3475 km and its circumference is 10864 km while its orbit is elliptical. The maximum distance (apogee) of the moon from the earth is 4, 06,000 […]

[Geography] Planets and Satellites, Mercury, Venus, The Earth & Mars

Some Notable Facts About Various Planets and Satellites Mercury, Venus,The Earth & Mars Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It is extremely hot planet. The planet has no water on it. Mercury planet has no gases like CO2, N2, H2, and O2 which can act as building blocks of life. Mercury planet […]

[History] Harappan & Indus Civilization

Harappan / Indus Civilization 1. The Harappan Civilization was discovered in the year 1.1901                                   2.1921 3.1935                                   4.1942 2. The earliest city discovered in India was 1.Harappan                           2.Rangpur 3.Mohenjodaro                      4.Sindh 3. The largest concentration of Harappan sites has been found along the 1.Ghaggar-Hakra                  2.Ravi 3.Sutlej                                  4.Indus 4. The Indus Valley civilization specialized in […]

[Science] Surface Tension, Cohesive Force & Adhesive Force

[Science] Surface Tension, Cohesive Force & Adhesive Force Surface Tension : It is the property of a liquid by virtue of which it has the tendency to have the area of its free surface minimum as if it were under tension like a stretched elastic membrane. If a force F acts on an imaginary line […]

[GS] [Geography] Solar System, The Sun & The Planets

[GS] [Geography] Solar System, The Sun & The Planets Members of the Solar System The Sun The Sun is at the centre of the Solar System. Its size is thirteen lakh times as that of the Earth. It is the nearest star to the Earth. It is an ultimate source of energy for life on […]

[Science] Pressure & Its Use in Physics

PRESSURE Pressure : Pressure is defined as force acting normally on unit area of the surface. P = F/A = Force/Area SI unit of pressure is N/M2 also called pascal (Pa). Pressure is a Scaler quantity. If the area is less then the pressure will be more. Atmospheric Pressure : It is that pressure which […]

[Science] Work, Power & Energy

(Work Power and Energy) Work : If a body gets displaced when a force acts on it, work is said to be done.Work is measured by the product of force and displacement of the body along the direction of force. W = F S cosθ If both force and displacement are in the same direction […]

20 Important Abbreviations For Banking, SSC, Airforce, Police and Other Competitive Exams

ABBREVIATIONS 1. DvP                 Delivery versus Payment 2. ECBs               External Commercial Borrowings 3. ECS                 Electronic Clearing Service 4. EEFC               Exchange Earners Foreign Currency 5. FCA                 Foreign Currency Assets 6. FCCBs             Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds 7. FCEB               Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds 8. FCNR {A}         Foreign Currency Non-Resident {Accounts} 9. FDI                   Foreign […]

30 Important Abbreviations For Banking, SSC, Airforce, Police and Other Competitive Exams

ABBREVIATIONS   1. ADS                                                                                                                          Authorised Dealers 2. AFS                                                                                                                                     Available for Sale 3. AGL                                                                                                                                   Aggregate Gap Limit 4. ALM                                                                                                                               Asset-Liability Management 5. ATM                                                                                                                                     Automated Teller Machine 6. BCD                                                                                                                               Bond, Currency and Derivatives or Binary Coded Decimal 7. BCR                                                                                                                                Bank Credit 8. BCRSI                                                                                                                                 Banking Codes and Standards Board of India […]

[GS] [Geography] Universe, Galaxy, The Big Bang Theory, Star & The Solar System

GEOGRAPHY Universe The universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists, including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies and the contents of intergalactic space. The study of universe is known as Cosmology.        Cosmology = cosmos (universe) + logos (science) The universe has no limit. Galaxy A galaxy is […]

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