1. DvP Delivery versus Payment
2. ECBs External Commercial Borrowings
3. ECS Electronic Clearing Service
4. EEFC Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
5. FCA Foreign Currency Assets
6. FCCBs Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
7. FCEB Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds
8. FCNR {A} Foreign Currency Non-Resident {Accounts}
9. FDI Foreign Direct Investment
10.FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act
11.FERA Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
12.FIIs Foreign Institutional Investors
13.FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods
14.FRAs Forward Rate Agreements
15.FRBM Act Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
16.GATS General Agreement on Trade and Services
17.GDP Gross Domestic Product
18.GDR Global Depository Receipt
19.G-Sec Government Securities
20.IBA Indian Bank’s Association