QUIZZES : SSC CPO Sub Inspector All Subjects Quiz 01 https://executivemakers.com/delhi-police-constable-quiz-02/ https://executivemakers.com/delhi-police-computer-quiz-01/
Tag Archives: How to learn English
NOUN & IT KINDS Definition: The name of a person, place or thing is said to be the noun. Examples : Rajesh, Book, School, Table, India etc. Kinds of Nouns : There are five kinds of a noun- 1. Common Noun 2. Proper Noun 3. Material Noun 4. Collective Noun 5. Abstract Noun 1. Common […]
IMPROVE ENGLISH WITH Executive Makers https://executivemakers.com/product/tp209-english-spotting-error-for-conjunction-set-3/ 1. Sanatorium – A place for the sick to recover health. 2. Sty – A place for pigs. 3. Orchard – A place where fruit trees are grown. 4. Mortuary – Where dead bodies are kept for post-mortem. 5. Morgue – Where dead bodies are kept for identification […]