15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions
Question 1

A fills a tank in 8 hours and B fills the same tank in 6 hours. If both pipes are opened and after 2 hours, A is closed. How many hours will be taken by B to fill the tank ?

A एक टंकी को 8 घंटे में भरता है और B उसी टंकी को 6 घंटे में भरता है। यदि दोनों पाइपों को खोल दिया जाता है और 2 घंटे के बाद A को बंद कर दिया जाता है। टैंक को भरने में B को कितने घंटे लगेंगे?

Question 2

The speed of first train is 48 km/h and crosses second train in opposite direction in 12 seconds. The length of second train is half of first train and its speed is 42 km/h. First train also passes a railway platform in 45 seconds. What is the length of the platform ?

पहली ट्रेन की गति 48 किमी / घंटा है और दूसरी ट्रेन को 12 सेकंड में विपरीत दिशा में पार करती है। दूसरी ट्रेन की लंबाई पहली ट्रेन की आधी है और इसकी गति 42 किमी / घंटा है। पहली ट्रेन 45 सेकंड में एक रेलवे प्लेटफॉर्म से गुजरती है। प्लेटफॉर्म की लंबाई क्या है?

Question 3

2.5 Lakh Rs is how much percent of 20 Lakh Rs ?

2.5 लाख रुपये, 20 लाख रुपये का कितना प्रतिशत है?

Question 4

Average of 11 numbers is 10.9. Average of first 6 numbers is 10.5 and average of last 6 numbers is 11.4. Find the middle number.

11 संख्याओं का औसत 10.9 है। पहली 6 संख्याओं का औसत 10.5 है और अंतिम 6 संख्याओं का औसत 11.4 है। मध्य संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये.

Question 5

Average of 11 numbers is 60. Average of first 6 numbers is 59 and average of last 6 numbers is 62. Find the sixth number.

11 संख्याओं का औसत 60 है। पहली 6 संख्याओं का औसत 59 है और अंतिम 6 संख्याओं का औसत 62 है। छठी संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

Question 6

LCM of two numbers is 2079 and their HCF is 27. If one number is 189 then find the other.

दो संख्याओं का LCM 2079 है और उनका HCF 27 है। यदि एक संख्या 189 है तो दूसरी ज्ञात कीजिए।

Question 7

53 Rs is divided among A, B and C in such a way that A gets 7 Rs more than that of B and B gets 8 Rs more than that of C. Find ratio in their parts.

53 रुपये A, B और C के बीच इस प्रकार बांटे जाते हैं कि A को B से 7 रुपये अधिक मिलते हैं और B को C से 8 रुपये अधिक मिलते हैं। उनके भागों में अनुपात ज्ञात कीजिए।

Question 8

There are 350 boys in the first three standards. The ratio of the number of boys in first and second standards is 2 : 3, while that of boys in second and third standards is     4 : 5. What is the total number of boys in first and third standards ?

पहले तीन मानकों में 350 लड़के हैं। पहले और दूसरे मानकों में लड़कों की संख्या का अनुपात 2 : 3 है, जबकि दूसरे और तीसरे मानकों में लड़कों का अनुपात 4 : 5 है। पहले और तीसरे मानकों में लड़कों की कुल संख्या क्या है?

Question 9

Find wrong term in this pattern.

इस प्रतिरूप में गलत पद ज्ञात कीजिए।

5, 15, 45, 135, 395, 1215, 3645

Question 10

The cost price of 50 things is equal to selling price of 40 things. Find profit %.

50 वस्तुओं का क्रय मूल्य 40 वस्तुओं के विक्रय मूल्य के बराबर है। लाभ% ज्ञात कीजिए।

Question 11

The ratio in the areas of two triangles is 4 : 3. The ratio in their heights is 3 : 4. What is the ratio of their bases?

दो त्रिभुजों के क्षेत्रफलों का अनुपात 4:3 है। उनकी ऊँचाइयों का अनुपात 3:4 है। उनके आधारों का अनुपात क्या है?

Question 12

The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 8 and 48 respectively. If one of the numbers is 24 then the other number is.......

दो संख्याओं का HCF और LCM क्रमशः 8 और 48 है। यदि संख्याओं में से एक संख्या 24 है तो दूसरी संख्या क्या है?...

Question 13

What is the maximum value of m, if the number N = 90 × 42 × 324 × 55 is divisible by 3m  ?

m का अधिकतम मूल्य क्या है, यदि संख्या  N = 90 × 42 × 324 × 55, 3m से विभाज्य है ?

Question 14

A shopkeeper gives 10% discount and gets a profit of 17%. If there is no discount then find profit%.

एक दुकानदार 10% छूट देता है और 17% का लाभ प्राप्त करता है। यदि कोई छूट नहीं है, तो लाभ% ज्ञात कीजिए।

Question 15

The speed of a train is 63 km/h and the length of the train is 500 m. This train crosses a person. Both train and person are going in the same direction. The speed of the person is 3 km/h. How much time will be taken by this train to cross this person ?

एक ट्रेन की गति 63 किमी/घंटा है और ट्रेन की लंबाई 500 मीटर है। यह ट्रेन एक व्यक्ति को पार करती है। ट्रेन और व्यक्ति दोनों एक ही दिशा में जा रहे हैं। व्यक्ति की गति 3 किमी/घंटा है। इस व्यक्ति को पार करने में इस ट्रेन को कितना समय लगेगा?

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions


Delhi Police Constable Vacancy

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

Deputy Commissioner of Delhi Police has released the official notification for recruitment of Constables in Delhi Police on July 27. As per the official notification Staff Selection Commission is directed to fill the vacancies in Delhi Police. Alongside, SSC has released the Delhi Police Constable exam dates. Candidates can fill the Delhi Police Recruitment application form. Candidates between 18 to 25 years are eligible to apply for the Delhi Police recruitment.

Delhi Police Constable Recruitment : Notification

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions


Delhi Police Constable Syllabus

The detailed syllabus for all subjects of Delhi Police Constable Online Computer Based Examination is given below:

Reasoning Syllabus:

The reasoning ability and analytical aptitude to observe and distinguish patterns will be tested through questions principally of non-verbal type. This section may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, spatial visualization, spatial orientation, visual memory, discrimination, observations, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasons and figural classification, arithmetic number series,· non-verbal series, coding and decoding etc.

Numerical Ability Syllabus:

This section will include questions on problems relating to Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and. Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Fundamental Arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work. etc.

General Knowledge/Current Affairs Syllabus:

The syllabus of General Knowledge/Current Affairs is designed to test the candidate’s general awareness around him/her and knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person.

The questions will be asked related to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Indian Economy, General Polity, Indian Constitution, Scientific Research etc. These Questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.

Computer Syllabus:

Computer Fundamentals, MS Excel, MS Word, Communication, Internet, WWW and Web Browsers etc include questions on the following:-

  1. Elements of Word Processing (Word Processing Basics, Opening and closing Documents, Text Creation, Formatting the Text and its presentation features).
  2. MS Excel (Elements of Spread Sheet, Editing of Cells, Function and Formulas)
  3. Communication (Basics of E-mail, Sending/receiving of-Emails and its related functions)
  4. Internet, WWW and Web Browsers (Internet, Services on Internet, URL, HTTP, FTP, Web sites, Blogs, Web Browsing Software, Search Engines, Chat, Video conferencing, e-Banking).
15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

SSC Delhi Police Constable Notification 

The Official Notification PDF for SSC Delhi Police Constable for exam has been released on by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) and Delhi Police. The official notification for Delhi Police Constables exam was released on the official website of SSC to recruit posts of Constables. With the release of official notification, Delhi Police Recruitment has started. The Official Notification PDF link is mentioned below.

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

Delhi Police Recruitment – Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must fulfill the following four criteria to be eligible for the Delhi Police Constable Exam:

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

1) Nationality/ Citizenship

Candidates must be the citizen of India.

2) Education Qualification

The candidate must have passed 10+ 2 (Senior Secondary) from any recognized school board, on the closing date of receipt of online applications.

3) Age limit

The candidate must be 18 Years to 25 Years. The upper age limit as prescribed above will be relaxable only in the following cases: –

(i) Upto a maximum of 5 years for a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe category candidate.

(ii) Upto a maximum of 3 years for an OBC category candidate.

iii) Upto a maximum of 5 years for sportsmen of distinction who have represented a State at the National level or the Country at the International level in sports during preceding three years from the closing date of receipt of online applications.

  1. iv) Relaxation in the upper age limit is admissible upto 40 years for general category (UR), 43 years for OBC & 45 years for SCs/STs in case of departmental candidates of Delhi Police.
  2. v) Relaxation in the upper age limit is admissible upto 29 years in case of sons of serving, retired or deceased police personnel/Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police. 15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

4) Essential Requirement

Candidate must possess a valid driving license for LMV(Motor cycle or Car) for the post of Const. (Exe.) Male in Delhi Police as on the date of PE&MT. Learner License is not acceptable.

Delhi Police Constable Vacancy Out

The Delhi Police Constable Vacancy is released. The Exam Date for the Delhi Police Constable has been released as is scheduled in the month of  December. The Online Application dates and other details are as follows:

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions
Delhi Police Constable  Date
Delhi Police Notification Release Date September 
On-line registration Starts From September
On-line registration Ends on September 
On-line Fee last date September
Last date to generate offline Challan September 
Last date for payment through Challan September 
Delhi Police Admit Card November 
Expected Delhi Police Constable Exam Date

·         1st to 3rd December

·         7th to 11th December and

·         14th December 

Join the Delhi police Constable batch for successful selection:

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

Delhi Police Constable Recruitment Process

The recruitment process for SSC Delhi Police Constable Recruitment exam consists of 2 stages:

  1. Online Computer Based Test
  2. Physical Test & Measurement Test          15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions


Tests / Examinations Maximum marks/ Qualifying
Computer Based Examination 100 marks
Physical Endurance & Measurement Qualifying Tests(PE&MT) Qualifying

Delhi Police Constable Exam Pattern

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will conduct the examination in Computer Based Examination mode on all India basis throughout the Country. The online Computer Based Test on the following subjects will be conducted in HINDI and ENGLISH.

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions
Section No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning 25 25 A cumulative Time of 90 minutes
General Knowledge/Current Affairs 50 50
Numerical Ability 15 15
Computer Fundamentals, MS Excel, MS Word, Communication, Internet, WWW and Web Browsers etc. 10 10
Total 100 100

The Computer Based Examination (CBE) will consist of one objective type paper containing of 100 Questions carrying 100 marks and total time allotted for Online Computer Based Test is One and half hour (90 minutes).

There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

The question paper shall be of-Matriculation Level having distribution as Easy Questions-30%, Medium level Questions-50% and Difficult Questions-20%.

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

The candidates of General Category securing 35% marks, SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates securing 30% marks and Ex-servicemen securing 25% marks in aggregate, in the Computer Based Examination, will be considered eligible for short-listing the candidates category-wise for appearing in Physical Test.


Delhi Police Vacancy For Constable

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

The Delhi Police Recruitment is being done for a total of  5846 constables in its department. out of which 3433 vacancies are for Constable EXE – Male, 226 are for Constable EXE – Male Ex-Servicemen (others), 243 are for constable (EXE) Male Ex-Servicemen Commando, 1944 are for Constable EXE Female.

Check out the vacancy for Delhi Police Constables below:

Post Name UR EWS OBC SC ST Total
Constable (Exe.) Male (Open) 1681 343 662 590 157 3433
Constable (Exe.) Female 933 202 387 328 94 1944
Constable (Exe)- Male
(Including Backlog SC-19 & ST-15)
94 19 37 52 24 226
Constable (Exe)- Male Ex-Servicemen
(Commando) (Including Backlog Sc-34 & ST-19)
93 19 37 67 27 243
Grand total 2801 583 1123 1037 302 5846

Delhi Police Constable Recruitment: Eligibility Criteria

In order to apply for the Delhi Police Constable Vacancy 2020, the candidates have to fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned below.

Educational Qualification

  • Candidates who have passed Class 12th from a recognized Board will be able to apply for the aforesaid posts.
15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

Essential Requirement

Candidate must possess a valid driving license for LMV(Motor cycle or Car) for the post of Const. (Exe.) Male in Delhi Police as on the date of PE&MT. Learner License is not acceptable.

Delhi Police Constable Age Limit 

Category Age Limit
General and EWS candidates 18 to 25 years
OBC category 18 to 27 years
SC / ST candidates 18 to 30 years

Application Fee For Delhi Police Recruitment for Constable

The exam fee for Delhi Police Recruitment will have to be paid only through the online mode.

  1. The candidates of Gen / OBC / EWS category will have to pay Rs 100 as application fee.
  2. No application fee has been fixed for SC / ST / Ex-S and women candidates.
15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

Delhi Police Constable Online Application 

Candidates are required to apply online for Delhi Police Constable. Click on the online application link for Delhi Police Recruitment.

The step by step instructions to apply for the bumper vacancy in Delhi Police is given below:

Instructions To Apply Online For Delhi Police Constable PDF

Delhi Police Constable Salary

The salary for the Delhi Police Constable will be in the following pay scale with the following Grade Pay and Pay Matrix.

Pay Scale – Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- + Grade Pay Rs. 2,000/- (Revised Pay Scale after 7th CPC pay Matrix Level-03)

15 Amazing Delhi Police Maths Questions

Selection Process for Delhi Police Recruitment 

Under this recruitment for the Delhi Police Constable Vacancy, the candidates will be selected on the basis of the following:

  • Computer-Based Examination: 100 Marks
  • Physical Endurance & Measurement Tests (PE&MT): Qualifying in Nature

Delhi Police Constable Recruitment 2020: Exam Pattern

The Exam Pattern for the Recruitment into Delhi Police for over 5000 vacancies is given below.

All candidates (Male & Female) including Ex-servicemen shall be put through a Computer Based Test, or CBT. Qualified candidates from the CBT will be eligible to appear for the physical requirement test.

  • The written exam for the Delhi Police Constable will be for a duration of 1 Hr. 30 Minutes.
  • All the questions will be objective in nature comprising a total of 100 Questions.
  • There will four sections each comprising of different marks.
  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 Marks for each wrong answer.
  • All the questions for the Delhi Police Constable recruitment will be set in English and Hindi.
Part Subject No. of
Max. Marks
Part A General Knowledge/
Current Affairs
50 50
Part B Reasoning 25 25
Part C Numerical Ability 15 25
Part D Computer Fundamentals, MS Excel,
MS Word, Communication, Internet
and Web Browsers etc
10 10
Total 100 100


Delhi Police Constable Physical Requirement

The Physical Requirement test comprises of Physical Measurement Test and Physical Requirement Tests. Both the tests will be qualifying in nature. The requirements for the male and female candidates are given below.

Delhi Police Physical Endurance Test: PET For Delhi Police Constable

The Physical Endurance Test for the Male Candidates and Female Candidates in Delhi Police Constable Recruitment is given below. The candidates who qualify in the race will be eligible to appear in Long jump and then High Jump. The Long Jump and High Jump are to be cleared in any one of the three chances that will be given. There shall be no appeal against disqualification in race, Long jump & High jump.

For Male Candidates

Standard of Physical Endurance Test for male candidates including ex-servicemen and Departmental candidates (age-wise) will be as under:

Age Race 1600 Mtrs Long jump High jump
Up to 30 years 6 Minutes 14 Feet 3’9″
Above 30 to 40 years 7 Minutes 13 Feet 3’6″
Above 40 years 8 Minutes 12 Feet 3’3″

For Female Candidates

Standard of Physical Endurance Test for female candidates including ex-servicemen and Departmental candidates (age-wise) will be as under:

Age Race 1600 Mtrs Long jump High jump
Up to 30 years 8 Minutes 10 Feet 03 Feet
Above 30 to 40 years 9 Minutes 09 Feet 2’9″
Above 40 years 10 Minutes 08 Feet 2’6″

Delhi Police Physical Measurement Test: PET For Delhi Police Constable Vacancy 

The physical requirement for the Delhi Police Constable Recruitment will be qualifying in nature. The Height and Chest requirements are given below for the male and the female candidates. Physical Measurement Test shall be taken only of those who qualify the Physical Endurance Tests.

For Male Candidates

( i ) HEIGHT 

Minimum Height: 170 Cms

The Minimum Height required by the following categories of candidates is mentioned below:

  1. i) 165 cms: For residents of Hill areas  i.e. Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunanchal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya , Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh.
  2. ii) 165 cms: For r ST candidates and sons of either serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police.

(ii) CHEST

Minimum 81 cms – 85 cms (with a minimum of 4 cms expansion).

Relaxable by:-

5 Cms for residents of Hill areas as listed above, ST, and for sons of either serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police.

For Female Candidates

( i ) Height 

Minimum 157 Cms

Relaxable by:

(i) 2 cms for residents of Hill areas i.e. Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Leh and Ladakh.

(ii) 2 cms for SC/ ST candidates.

(iii) 5 cms for daughters of either serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police.

Important Information for Delhi Police Constable Vacancy:

  1. The only mode of application is ONLINE. The printed/ hard copies of the application form will not be entertained
  2. Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered and summarily rejected
  3. Candidates must check the Eligibility criteria thoroughly before applying for Delhi Police Constable
  4. One must take care of the Delhi Police Online application’s start and end date.
  5. Candidates must take a print of the filled Delhi Police Constable Online Form and keep them for their future use.
  6. All papers in the online examination will be of objective type multiple choice questions
  7. A candidate must indicate the Centre(s) in the online Application Form in which he/ she desires to take the examination
  8. Candidates will have to stay updated for downloading call letters for online test.

Delhi Police Recruitment – Vacancy Details
Candidates can check Delhi police vacancy mentioned below.

  • Constable(Exe) – Male(Open)
  • Constable(EXE) – Male Ex-Servicemen(Others)
  • Constable(EXE) – Male Ex-Servicemen(Commando)
  • Constable(EXE) – Female

Delhi Police Recruitment – Eligibility Criteria

  • Education Qualification: Must have passed 10th or 12th from recognized board
  • Age limit: 18 to 25 years

Delhi Police Recruitment – How To Apply

  • Visit the official website of SSC – Click Here
  • Click on “New Registration”
  • Login with registration ID and password.
  • Fill details in the required fields
  • Upload documents as per the specifications.
  • Preview and submit the application form.

Delhi Police Recruitment : Salary Details

Candidates selected as Constable in Delhi Police will get Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- + Grade Pay Rs. 2,000/- as salary.

Candidates are advised to visit the Delhi Police and Staff Selection Commission official website regularly for more updates on Delhi Police constable notification.

Delhi Police Recruitment Selection Process
Suitable candidates will be selected based on their performance in the written test, followed by physical test and medical exam. The detailed selection process will be released along with the SSC Delhi Police constable recruitment notification


Delhi Police Official Website: Click Here
Staff Selection Commission Official Website: Click Here

SSC Delhi Police Application Fee

The Online Application Fee for Delhi Police Constable exam is Rs. 100/-.

Fee is exempted for all Women candidates and candidates belonging to SC, ST and Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation.

Category Fee
Female Candidates Nil
Other Category 100


Delhi Police Recruitment 2020- FAQs

Q1. What is the minimum age for Delhi Police?

The age limit for Delhi Police Constable Recruitment must be between 18 Years to 25 Years.

Q2.  When is the date to apply for Delhi Police Constable Recruitment released?

Ans. The candidates can apply online for Delhi Police Recruitment from August to September.

Q3. A candidate from Uttar Pradesh, can also apply for this exam?

A candidate from any state of India can apply for Delhi Police Recruitment.

Q4. What is the selection process for Delhi Police Constable Recruitment?

Ans. The candidates will have to appear for a written test of 100 Marks followed by physical requirement test.

Q5. Name the organising authority of Delhi Police Constable Exam?

Delhi Police Constables exam will be organized by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC).

Q6. What is the Exam Date for Delhi Police Constable Vacancy?

Ans. The Delhi Police Constable Exam will be held on the above date.

Q7. What is the salary of Delhi Police Constable?

A Constable in Delhi Police will get Grade Pay of Level-3 (Rs 21700- 69100) as a salary.

Q8. What is the Delhi Police Vacancy for Constables?

Ans. The total no. of vacancies that have been notified for the Delhi Police Constable Bharti is 5846 out of which 3902 are for men while 1944 are for the females EXPECTED.

Q9. When will the exam of Delhi Police Constable be conducted?

Delhi Police Constable Recruitment exam will be conducted on the above described dates.

Q10. What is the salary for Delhi Police Recruitment for Constable?

Ans. The candidates who will be appointed as Constables in Delhi Police will be paid a salary of in the Pay Scale – Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/-  with Grade Pay Rs. 2,000/-.

Q11. How many vacancies are there in Delhi Police Constable exam?

The total no. of vacancies for Delhi Police Recruitment for the post of constables is expected 5846.

Q12. What is the age limit to apply for Delhi Police Constable Vacancy?

Ans. The Age Limit to apply for Delhi Police Constable Recruitment is 18 to 25 years with age relaxation for the reserved candidates.

Q13. What is the last date to apply online for Delhi Police Constable exam?

The last date to apply online for Delhi Police Constable exam is September.

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delhi police recruitment 2020

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