Tag Archives: PDF

[English] [Word Power] 50 Important One Word For All Competitive Exams

Improve English With Executive Makers [English] [Word Power] 50 Important One Word For All Competitive Exams 1. Abdication – Voluntary giving up of throne 2. Amphibian – Animal that live both on land and sea 3. Allegory – A story expressing ideas 4. Aquatic – Animals that live in water 5. Anonymous – Bearing no […]

[GS] [Geography] The Earth With Its Shape & Size For All Competitive Exams

[GS] [Geography] The Earth With Its Shape & Size For All Competitive Exams The Earth-Shape and Size Shape of the Earth Pythagoras (572-500 BC), a Greek philosopher and mathematician, was among the first to suggest that the Earth was shaped like a globe. The Earth is not flat If the Earth were a flat disc, […]

[GS] [Geography] Satellite, Orbital speed, Period of revolution, Geo-Stationary satellite & Escape velocity

[GS] [Geography] Satellite, Orbital speed, Period of revolution, Geo-Stationary satellite & Escape velocity Satellite: Satellites are natural or artificial bodies revolving around a planet under its gravitational attraction. Moon is a natural satellite while INSAT-IB is an artificial satellite of earth. Orbital speed of a satellite: Orbital speed of a satellite is independent of its […]

[General Studies] History Questions For All Competitive Exams

[General Studies] History Objective Questions For All Competitive Exams (1). The Indus valley civilization was non-Aryan because 1.it was urban.                                                                                                                            2. it has a pictographic script. 3.it had an agricultural economy. 4.it extended up to the Narmada valley. (2). Kalibangan means 1.means black bangles 2.has evidence of furrow marks 3. is the regular […]

20 Important Abbreviations For Banking, SSC, Airforce, Police and Other Competitive Exams

ABBREVIATIONS 1. DvP                 Delivery versus Payment 2. ECBs               External Commercial Borrowings 3. ECS                 Electronic Clearing Service 4. EEFC               Exchange Earners Foreign Currency 5. FCA                 Foreign Currency Assets 6. FCCBs             Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds 7. FCEB               Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds 8. FCNR {A}         Foreign Currency Non-Resident {Accounts} 9. FDI                   Foreign […]

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