50 Amazing Best English One Words 50 Amazing Best English One Words 1.Poligamy-Having more than one wife at the same time. 2.Polyandry– Having more than one husband at the same time. 3.Centenarian-One who is hundred years old. 4.Nonagenarian-One who is in nineties. 5.Octagenarian-One who is in eighties. 6.Alliance-A relationship between states. 7.Anthology-A collection of poems. […]
Tag Archives: [English Word Power] Learn IDIOMS
MATHEMATICS BILINGUAL QUIZZES FULL SOLVED 10 FAMOUS IDIOMS What are idioms? Definition : An idiom is a phrase, saying or group of words that is very different in meaning from its literal meaning. The use of idioms is considered much effective at the time of writing or speaking English or any other language. Example […]