[UPSI Syllabus] यूपी पुलिस एसआई सिलेबस: यूपी एसआई परीक्षा पैटर्न की जांच करें
यूपी पुलिस एसआई सिलेबस 2020-21
यूपी पुलिस एसआई सिलेबस 2021 में निम्नलिखित चार विषय शामिल होंगे:
सामान्य हिंदी
संख्यात्मक और मानसिक क्षमता परीक्षण
बुनियादी कानून/संविधान/सामान्य ज्ञान
मेंटल एप्टीट्यूड टेस्ट / इंटेलिजेंस कोशिएंट टेस्ट / रीजनिंग
UPSI हिंदी पैराग्राफ बुक
UP Police SI Exam Pattern 2020-21
UP Police SI Exam Pattern 2020-21 |
Subject Name | No. Questions | Marks | Composite Time |
General Hindi सामान्य हिंदी |
40 | 100 | Composite Time of 120 Minutes |
Basic Law/ Constitution/General Knowledge मूल कानून / संविधान /सामान्य ज्ञान |
40 | 100 | |
Numerical & Mental Ability Test संख्यात्मक और मानसिक क्षमता परीक्षण |
40 | 100 | |
Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Quotient Test/Reasoning मानसिक योग्यता परीक्षण/इंटेलिजेंस क्वोटिएंट टेस्ट/रीजनिंग |
40 | 100 | |
Total | 160 | 400 |
पुलिस कांस्टेबल फुल बुक
UP Police SI Syllabus For General Hindi
The UP Police SI Syllabus for General Hindi/सामान्य हिंदी is listed below:
- Hindi & Other Indian languages/ हिंदी और अन्य भारतीय भाषाएँ
- Hindi Grammar/ हिंदी व्याकरण
- Antonym, Synonym/एंटोनियम, पर्यायवाची
- One word Substitution/एकार्थी शब्द
- Comprehension
- Tatasam and tadbhav/तत्सम एवं तदभव
- वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण
- लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे
- त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द
- वर्तनी
- वाक्य संशोधन
- कारक
- लिंग
- वचन
UP Police SI Syllabus For Numerical & Mental Ability Test
The UP Police SI Syllabus for Numerical and Mental Ability Test is listed below:
Numerical Ability Test
- Number System
- Simplification
- Use of Table & Graph
- Decimal & Fraction
- Compound and Simple Interest
- Partnership
- Profit & Loss, Discount
- Time & Work, Distance
- Ratio & Proportion
- Percentage
- Mensuration & Miscellaneous
Mental Ability Test
- Logical Diagrams
- Symbol-Relationship Interpretation
- Codification Perception Test
- Word formation Test
- Letter and number series
- Word and alphabet
- Analogy
- Common Sense Test
- Letter and number coding
- Direction sense Test
- Logical interpretation of data
- Forcefulness of argument
- Determining implied meanings
पुलिस कांस्टेबल एंड सब इंस्पेक्टर स्पेशल बुक सेट पेपर्स
UP Police SI Syllabus 2020-21 For Basic Law/ Constitution/ General Knowledge
Basic Law
- Human Rights
- Traffic Rules
- National Security Issues
- Principle of Crime Punishment
- Right of Self Defence
- General Knowledge about Law
- General Knowledge about Indian Constitution
- Aim of the Constitution
- Fundamental Rights
- Directive principles
- Rules & Regulations of constitutional Amendments
- All India Service
- Information about social Law related to women children
- Reservation of SC/ ST, Environment
- Wild Life Conservation
General Knowledge
- General Science
- Award and Honours
- Books and Authors
- Current Affairs of National & International Importance
- Indian Politics & Economics
- Questions from the events that happen in daily life specially from perspective of General Science.
- Indian History: Focus will be on Knowledge of Financial, Social, Religious & Political Parties. Under Indian Freedom Movement knowledge about Nature & Specialty of Indian Freedom Movement, Rise of nationalism & How we get Freedom is expected.
- World Geography: General Knowledge will be tested about Physical/ Ecology of India, Economical, Social, Demographic Issues.
पुलिस स्पेशल बुक फॉर उत्तर प्रदेश GS
UP Police SI Syllabus For Mental Aptitude Test/ IQ Test/Reasoning
Mental Aptitude Test
Attitude towards the following:
- Law and order
- Communal harmony
- Crime Control
- Rule of law
- Ability of Adaptability
- Professional Information (Basic level)
- Police System
- Contemporary Police Issues & Law and order
- Basic Law
- Interest in Profession
- Mental toughness
- Sensitivity towards minorities and underprivileged
- Gender sensitivity
Intelligence Quotient Test
- Relationship and Analogy Test
- Spotting out the dissimilar
- Series Completion
- Coding-Decoding
- Direction Sense Test
- Blood Relation
- Problems based on the alphabet
- Time sequence test
- Venn Diagram and chart type test
- Mathematical ability Test
- Arranging in order
पुलिस स्पेशल मैथ्स बुक
- Visual memory
- Discrimination
- Analogies
- Similarities
- Differences
- Space visualization
- Observation, Relationship
- Concepts
- Arithmetical reasoning
- Verbal and figure classification
- Arithmetical number series
- Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships
- Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions
- Problem-solving
- Analysis and Judgment
- Decision-making