Use your brain chemicals
We often hear that we should be optimistic and we have to be optimistic in every situation. But According to us, Optimism is the inner quality of a personality. We have to use our brain chemicals so that we may think in right direction…….
There are drugs that you can use to motivate yourself with and I’m not
talking about amphetamine.
Instead, you can get into those energizing chemicals in your system that
get activated when you laugh…or sing…or dance…or run…or hug
someone. When you’re having fun, your body chemistry changes and
you get new biochemical surges of motivation and energy.
And there isn’t anything you do that can’t be transformed into something
interesting and uplifting.
There is a very good story about prisoners and how some prisoners
created new universes into themselves inside their own minds. It might
sound absurd, but truly imaginative people can access their inner
chemical creativity in the loneliness of a prison cell.
Don’t keep trying to go outside yourself searching for something that’s
fun. It’s not out there anywhere. It’s inside. The opportunity for fun is in
your own energy system—your synergy of heart and mind. That’s where
you’ll find it.
Apply this into your personality & see the changes in you and your behaviour……
Be Executive with Executive Makers