SSC English Quiz 08

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This quiz will submit in:

Question 1

Improve the sentence.

Kamal's suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter.

Question 2

Select the most appropriate option for the given idiom/phrase.

Down the road

Question 3

Spotting the part of the sentence which has an error.

Gandhi Ji always regretted for the fact (a) / that people gave him adulation while what he wanted (b) / was acceptance of his way of life. (c) / No error (d)

Question 4

Choose opposite word of the coloured word.

This painting has a distinctive element which can be noticed well.

Question 5

His .............nature would not let him leave his office before 5 pm.

Question 6

Select the most appropriate option for the given idiom/phrase.

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

Question 7

Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


Question 8

Improve the sentence.

No sooner had he completed his first novel than he fell seriously ill.

Question 9

Spotting the error.

Though he is a gifted comedian, (a) / he prefers spend his spare time (b) / watching horror movies. (c) / No error (d)

Question 10

Choose the correct option for the given Idiom / Phrase.

Out of the blue

Question 11

Spotting the error.

He (a)/ is addicted (b)/ with smoking. (c)/ No error (d)

Question 12

Select the option that is nearer to meaning to the coloured word.

It was felt that the decision to remove the group from the exercise  would be detrimental to the organisation.

Question 13

Find Synonym.


Question 14

Choose the correct option in Passive voice.

Shut the door.

Question 15

Spotting the part of the sentence which has an error.

The fruit (a) / can be made (b) / to jaam. (c) / No error (d)

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