20 Amazing NDA General Studies Questions (सामान्य अध्ययन प्रश्न) with Executive Makers. What is NDA and How can we prepare for NDA exam ?

Question 1

President has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha According to the Article of ____. (SSC - 2019)

राष्ट्रपति के पास ____ के अनुच्छेद के अनुसार लोकसभा को भंग करने की शक्ति है। (SSC - 2019)

Question 2

Which one of the following elements is essential for the formation of chlorophyll in green plants ?

हरे पौधों में क्लोरोफिल के निर्माण के लिए निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा तत्व आवश्यक है?

Question 3

How many Members of 'Tamil Nadu' in the Upper House are there? (SSC CGL-2016)

उच्च सदन में 'तमिलनाडु' के कितने सदस्य हैं? (SSC CGL-2016)

Question 4

According to ____ Article, the national language is Hindi. (DELHI POLICE-2014)

____ अनुच्छेद के अनुसार, राष्ट्रीय भाषा हिंदी है। (DELHI POLICE-2014)

Question 5

Which state has the second most members in the lower house? (RAILWAY-2013)

निम्न सदन में सदस्यों की संख्या में कौन सा राज्य दूसरे स्थान पर है? (रेलवे-2013)

Question 6

Who was the first Nawab Wazir of Awadh in the 18th Century ?

18 वीं शताब्दी में अवध के पहले नवाब वज़ीर कौन थे?

Question 7

Lysosome is formed from which of the following cell organelles ?

लाइसोसोम निम्नलिखित में से किस सेल ऑर्गेनेल से बनता है?

Question 8

The first use of E.V.M. for the whole election is in ___ state. (POLICE-2014)

ई.वी.एम का पहला प्रयोग पूरे चुनाव के लिए ___ राज्य में है। (पुलिस-2014)

Question 9

In which generation, Chips were used in computer?

कंप्यूटर में चिप का प्रयोग किस पीढ़ी में किया जाता था?

Question 10

Nortel is a company which manufactures......

नॉर्टेल एक कंपनी है जो बनाती है ......

Question 11

By what amendment, the last four languages in the 8th schedule of constitution were added? (RAILWAY-2017)

किस संशोधन द्वारा, संविधान की 8 वीं अनुसूची में अंतिम चार भाषाओं को जोड़ा गया? (रेलवे-2017)

Question 12

Cobalt is associated with.....

कोबाल्ट से जुड़ा है .....

Question 13

When was 'Uttrakhand’s high Court' established? (UPPSC - 2014)

'उत्तराखंड का उच्च न्यायालय' कब स्थापित किया गया था? (UPPSC - 2014)

Question 14

Which country does 'Charles Babbage' belong to who is the father of computer?

कंप्यूटर के जनक 'चार्ल्स बैबेज' किस देश के हैं?

Question 15

The Eight Degree Channel separates which of the following ?

आठ डिग्री चैनल निम्नलिखित में से किसको अलग करता है?

Question 16

Which one of the following features were borrowed by the Constitution of India from the British Constitution ?

(1) Rule of Law

(2) Law making Procedure

(3) Independence of Judiciary

(4) Parliamentary

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी एक विशेषता ब्रिटिश संविधान से भारत के संविधान द्वारा उधार ली गई थी?

(१) नियम कानून

(२) कानून बनाने की प्रक्रिया

(३) न्यायपालिका की स्वतंत्रता

(४) संसदीय

Question 17

The duration of the chairman of the Union Public Service Commission is........(SSC CGL-2015)

संघ लोक सेवा आयोग के अध्यक्ष की अवधि ........ है (SSC CGL-2015)

Question 18

Who wrote the book 'The Social Contract' ?

द सोशल कॉन्ट्रैक्ट ’पुस्तक किसने लिखी है?

Question 19

Which one of the following tribal groups is found in the 'blue mountains' ?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा जनजातीय समूह 'नीले पहाड़ों' में पाया जाता है?

Question 20

Which of the following is not a primary function of a green leaf ?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एक हरे पत्ते का प्राथमिक कार्य नहीं है ?


Table of Contents

20 Amazing NDA General Studies Questions with Executive Makers.

What is NDA and How can we prepare for NDA exam ?

20 Amazing NDA English Questions with Executive Makers. What is NDA and How can we prepare for NDA exam ?








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NDA Salary

The accurate and complete knowledge about the NDA  salary will fuel the candidates with full knowledge. The details of the rank-wise salary have been elaborated herewith. This will also assist the candidates in analyzing their career growth. Candidates who will graduate from National Defense Academy as NDA officers will receive a handsome salary along with various allowances and benefits to which only those working in Defense services are entitled. Check here the in-hand for rank-wise officers tabulated below:

Rank Level Grade Pay
Lieutenant Level 10 ₹56,100 – ₹1,77,500
Captain Level 10 B ₹61,300 – ₹1,93,900
Major Level 11 ₹69,400 – ₹2,07,200
Lieutenant Colonel Level 12A ₹1,21,200 – ₹2,12400
Colonel Level 13 ₹1,30,600 – ₹2,15,900
Brigadier Level 13A ₹1,39,600 – ₹2,17,600
Major General Level 14 ₹1,44,200 – ₹2,18,200
Lieutenant General HAG Scale Level 15 ₹1,82,200 – ₹2,24,100
HAG+Scale Level 16 ₹2,05,400 – ₹2,24,400
VCOAS/Army Cdr/ Lieutenant General (NFSG) Level 17 ₹ 2,25,000/- (fixed)
COAS Level 18 ₹ 2,50,000/- (fixed)

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Yes, 12th pass candidates can apply for the NDA exam which is conducted by UPSC, twice a year.
20 Amazing NDA General Studies Questions with Executive Makers. What is NDA and How can we prepare for NDA exam ?

(2) What is NDA exam for?

UPSC NDA is the national-level examination which is conducted to recruit qualified candidates as officers in the Indian Navy, Indian Army and Indian Air-force. UPSC conducts the exam for other Sarkari recruitment such as IAS, CDS, UPSC CMS, CAPF, etc. NDA exam is conducted two times a year (April & September).

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